Qtech Hide & View Download Page
Please read the Qtech Hide & View page first, and then come back to download.
"setup-Qtechhideview-v011a.exe" is the installation program of Qtech Hide & View v011 (Qtech-HV_v011) . You can download it from this page by clicking the next URL. The downloaded file name is "setup-Qtechhideview-v011a.dat". So, you must change its extension part from ".dat" to ".exe",
<Important Notice> You are strongly advised that you firstly move the downloaded file to some "non-system area" of your PC, such as your USB flash drive. Then you change the file name from "setup-Qtechhideview-v011a.dat" to "setup-Qtechhideview-v011a.exe". This is to avoid a system security warning like "This program may cause a problem with your PC."
After changing the file name, you click it to install the program (Qtech-HV_v011). All the program files are placed in the "Qtech-HV011" folder under the "Program Files (x86)" folder by default. "READme" file is also included there. Please read it carefully to understand how to use the program. We recommend you to create a Desktop Icon by putting a check-mark on an option box when installing.
It might be good for you to download a short video file (a little old, though) to see the program operation from:
(You can also view this video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pkp_3X3Rkj8)
"Qtech-HV_v011" is a limited version of the full program. That is, the "Information Embedding" part is set to expire in 90 days after your installation. This is to protect the program from being abused. This expiration scheme was developed for Windows XP in the early days of Qtech-HV project. Presently, it still works normally on Windows 7, and 8/8.1/10/11. However, in some very special case, a message "already expired" might appear even at its first use. In that case, you may visit here.
You can set up an Access Key (i.e., Embedding/Extracting Key) on Qtech-HV_v011. We show its security evaluation in the other page.
If you have some good reason to use a full version (or less limited version), or if you want to "revive" your expired program, we can allow you to do so if you agree with the terms and conditions we have set forth for your special request. In that case, please contact us from the Message Sending page. Also, you can send us any message regarding Qtech Hide & View from this Message Sending page.
(Optional Version)
If you don't mind using a much more restricted program, but for the unlimited period of time, you can also download another version of Qtech Hide & View, that is, Qtech-HV_v02. This version is not equipped with any embedding/extracting key setting, and the Complexity Threshold value is preset to 40, but has no expiration setting. The installation process and the usage are almost the same as Qtech-HV_v011. You can download it from below. This version may be good for embedding annotations in the variety of photos you took.
<Important Notice> shown above should be applied to this version, too.
<About the security of Qtech-HV_v02>
Qtech-HV_v02 is apparently weaker than v011 in terms of the embedded file security . However, you can increase the security on your own by setting a password to the file before embedding. As you know, most of the computer files today are "password-protectable." For example, Microsoft Word/Excel/PowerPoint files are password-protectable. So do PDF files. Even an audio/video file can be made virtually password-protectable because you can firstly attach an audio/video file to a PDF, then set a password to it, and finally embed it in some vessel image. Thus, you can increase the security of your secret information effectively. You can use this Qtech-HV_v02 as long as you want.
Qtech Hide & View was implemented by Visual C++ environment. It took several years to finalize the deliverable version. We estimate the total work hours contributed were equivalent to 250 - 300 thousand US dollars. We believe this program is still the best of all image-steganography software currently available on a commercial/non-commercial basis.
We inform you that we have embedded very important information to initialize the expiration setting of the program in one of the images that are used in our Web pages. You can extract this information by using Information Extracting program of QtechHV-v011 together with a secret access key and extracting parameters. We are demonstrating that our program can embed secret information in a very secure manner.
We are always seeking volunteers to support us to develop newer BPCS-Steganography programs. Please send us a message to pledge your donation via above mentioned Message Sending page. We will be ready to offer some benefit to use Qtech-HV_011 almost as the full version.
(Updated: Jan. 16, 2023 by Eiji Kawaguchi)